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Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My husband Brendan woke up in September of 2004, hurting all over, very achey. He thought maybe he had pulled muscles, while working in the yard. After a couple days, he thought maybe he had the flu. But without the fever, vomiting, etc. Then the aches went away.
Then in November, the pain came back. After a couple days of feeling like crap, he went to his doctor. The doc told him it was the flu, & that he'd be better in a few days. And in a few days, was feeling better. Then a week later, the pain was back with a vengance! He could barely get out of bed! He went back to the doctor. Again, he was told it was the flu, to go home & rest. After several days he was still in pain. then, the spasms kicked in! By January he was no longer able to work. The spasms would start in his back & wrap around his chest. One day they were so bad I had to take him to the hospital, we thought he was having a heart attack, at the age of 37!
His doctor was at a loss as to what was going on!
Then Brendan asked if it could be Fibromyalgia. He informed the doctor that his brother had Fibromyalgia.
The doctor admitted he had no idea, and recomended that he see a Rhumatologist. That's another post.

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